"Thank God for dirty dishes, they have a tale to tell. While other's may go hungry, we're eating very well."
- author unknown
I honestly do not mind cleaning. Let's not get it wrong though, I do not enjoy it but there are some chores that I do not mind as much as others. The task of washing dishes is one household chore that I absolutely detest. I think it is the idea of touching other people's food that disgusts me most or it could be the fact that it is extremely boring! My disdain for cleaning reached it's maximum when I moved to New York City. All of my apartments did not have a dishwasher so I was forced to hand wash every single dish and it became daunting. One day, I decided to try out a new dish soap because I liked the color of the bottle (I usually do not recommend that).
The first time I tried Myers soap, I literally used 1/3 of the bottle because it smelled so good! It did not make me enjoy washing dishes but it did make the process more bearable. From that point on, I began using Mrs. Myers cleaning products for all my household cleaners. I have tried every scent and they are all wonderful! I actually have a purpose to this post if you are wondering ,which is to use creativity to make things you dislike a little more tolerable. In my particular situation it was as simple as getting a new dish soap!
Mrs. Myer's household cleaners are aroma therapeutic environmentally friendly products that are safe to use around children and animals. They are more expensive than most cleaning products, but you can always come up with a way to rationalize this purchase (i.e. aesthetics, fragrance, the earth, etc...)
To find a store near you that sells Mrs. Meyers, visit their website: www.mrs.meyers.com
Have a productive day and "please do not feed the dust bunnies".
Love, Lili
lovely Lili :)