"The modern day Renaissance woman"The expectations of women has changed significantly in the last few decades. At one time we were expected to be homemakers and cater to the needs and demands of our families. With the advancement of education, many woman now have the freedom to work and contribute to the families finances, but with this arises guilt. We are now expected to be successful at work, maintain and decorate our homes, and sustain a spectacular relationship with our families and friends. How do women do this all and still have time for themselves? The answer is it is utterly impossible and if someone tells you differently they are lying through their teeth. Multitasking all our responsibilities is a balancing act that many fall short upon, myself included. Since childhood we were taught that no one is perfect but somehow between our adolescence and adulthood we have forgotten that. Instead of feeling guilt because we can not do everything we want to or as well as someone else, we should take pride in our accomplishments and give ourselves a break! After all, a true "Renaissance woman" is merely a saying and "Super Woman" does not exist.
Here are a few tricks that I use around the house that make me feel like a super hero.
1. A great way to remove permanent marker from a wall is spray hairspray on the marks. It might take several sprays but I guarantee it will work!
2. Have little ones left crayon on your walls? There is an easy fix to remove the artwork quickly. All you have to do is create a mixture of toothpaste and water to create a paste. Take an old toothbrush and rub the concoction on the wall!
3. Everyone has water stains on their furniture and no amount of cleaning will remove them from the piece. Again, there is an easy fix to this problem. You are going to take some ash from your fireplace and add a little bit of water to create another paste. Take a lint free rag and rub the stain with the paste in a circular motion. The water stain will literally disappear!
4. If you have a brick fireplace and it is covered with soot you can make it look brand new by cleaning it with a basic bathroom/tile cleaner.
5. Everyone has votive candle holders with pieces of the candle that can not be removed from them. Rather than scrape and ruin the holder itself by trying to force the candle out you should pop it into the freezer for several hours. The old candle should literally pop right out of the holder. If the candle is still stuck in the holder you might need to keep it in the freezer for a longer time.
6. The oldest trick in the book for removing blood stains from fabric and clothing is to apply hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain. It might have to repeat the process several time before the stain is removed, but I promise you it works like a charm!
I hope you will try some of these tricks and feel like your own "Super Woman" in your home.
Have a lovely weekend!
"Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing"
-Harriet Braiker